
The Detroit River Tunnel Few Have Seen: The Michigan Central Railway Tunnel


Color postcard depicting the Michigan Central Railway Tunnel, 1910.


Roman Gribbs, 1925-2016

Mayor Roman Gribbs presents Leonard Simon of the Detroit Historical Museum with the Mayor's Medal of the City of Detroit in a 1971 ceremony.  The partially visible sign behind museum director Solon Weeks proclaims, "Detroit, City for the '70s."


Amelia Earhart Introduces the Terraplane

A city monument at Detroit's Earhart Elementary Middle School recognizing the aviator's many accomplishments.


Detroit Suffrage Pioneer Sarah Gertrude Banks

On February 15, the anniversary of Susan B. Anthony's birthday, the Detroit Historical Society is pleased to share from the collection a 107 year old postcard depicting Susan B. Anthony.  Social activist Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) was an internationally recognized leader in the long campaign to give women the right to vote. It turns out that the postcard's addressee, Dr. Sarah Gertrude Banks, has an important place in Detroit history.

Martin Luther King, Jr. in Detroit, 1966

Program, "We Rally For Freedom. Cobo Hall, Detroit. June 19, 1966.


The Mystery of the Missing Mausoleum

In our previous post, “A Fitting Place of Burial” we featured a photo of the key to Lewis Cass’s mausoleum. Several sharp-eyed readers have since pointed out that while Cass has an impressive sarcophagus-shaped monument in Elmwood Cemetery, the famed explorer, territorial governor, general, senator, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State is not actually entombed within it.

Armistice Day

Hostilities in World War I (then known as The Great War) ended on November 11, 1918. The United States had entered the conflict on April 6, 1917, as Congress declared war. When the news of the cease fire was announced, large crowds gathered at Campus Martius and elsewhere in Detroit to celebrate the peace.

Philip K. Wrigley's 1935 Stout  Scarab

Philip K. Wrigley shows his Stout Scarab to Henry D. Brown, Director of the Detroit Historical Society (1964).

