
Revisiting Michigan Central Station in Historic Photos

Explore historic views of the train station from the Detroit Historical Society’s collection.  

Detroit's Kosher Meat Riot

Prepared according to the dietary laws laid out in the Torah, Kosher beef is always more expensive than non-kosher. But in the spring of 1910, Kosher beef prices jumped 250% to 18 cents per pound—far outstripping what the city's working-class Jews could afford. 

Hannan Memorial YMCA Time Capsule

On April 4 we were honored to host a rare event, the opening of a time capsule. 

Three New Legends Coming to the Plaza!

On Saturday, April 20, three Detroit legends cast their hand in cement live at the Detroit Historical Museum as part of the annual City of Champions Day celebration. 

Detroit's Chinatowns

Did you know that Detroit had two official Chinatowns?  

From the CEO: February 2024

Dear Friends,  

The Story of Honolulu Blue

The Lions have worn their trademark blue uniforms since the team’s very first season in Detroit in 1934. Now known as “Honolulu Blue,” the distinctive shade has evolved a bit over the years. There are several origin stories for how the club selected the color.


The Dayton Hudson’s Santabear debuted in 1985. Conceived as part of a marketing campaign to encourage holiday shoppers to visit the stores, Santabear was designed by senior toy buyer Paul Starkey. The first Santabear sold over 400,000 bears in the first three days they appeared on shelves – a huge success. Over the years the Santabears line featured different outfits and stories, the introduction of supporting characters, including Bully Bear and Miss Bear, and a small series of books and animated holiday movies.

Society Member: Al
