Volunteer Resource Center

Thank you for donating your time to assist the Detroit Historical Society in bringing our region’s rich history alive for our visitors! Below you’ll find up-to-date information and relevant Society news.  If you are not yet a current volunteer or docent, please view our Volunteer and Docent Information pages for updated opportunities!

All active Society volunteers and docents are required to maintain their profiles, schedules and track donated time through Volgistics' VicNet portal.  

Upon completion of onboarding and training, active volunteers will be issued a password and must use the email in which they receive all museum correspondences to login into their Volgistics VicNet account.

Having troubles logging in? Contact your Volunteer Program team for assistance: volunteer@detroithistorical.org.

Society Events Board

Below, you will find current info for all of our exciting programs, events and exhibit openings! Here at the Society, we strive to maintain a strong line of communication with our volunteers in order to ensure they remain up-to-date on all Society events.