Michigan History Day

March 5 2016 | 10:00am to March 6 2016 | 1:55pm

On Saturday, March 5, 180 fourth through twelfth grade students will share their historical scholarship at the Detroit Historical Museum as part of the Michigan History Day program. Students will present their projects based on the annual theme, “Exploration, Encounter, Exchange in History.” The general public is invited to see the documentaries, performances, and exhibits throughout the day. The winners will advance to the Michigan History Day competition wthat will take place at Bay City High School on Saturday, April 30. 

Michigan History Day, an affiliate of the National History Day program, is a year-long educational program where students choose a historical topic based on an annual theme, conduct original research in primary and secondary sources, analyze and interpret their findings and create a final project that shares their work. Students can submit their projects, which include historical papers, web sites, documentaries, performances and exhibits, into a series of competitions from the local to the national level.

For more information on Michigan History Day and the March 5 contest, contact Tobi Voigt, Chief Curatorial Officer, at tobiv@detroithistorical.org or 313.833.0481.