Body by Fisher Inspires Artifact Donations

Occasionally, an exhibit will inspire museum guests to approach the Detroit Historical Society with potential artifact donations related to the topic of the exhibit. When the stories we tell overlap with a guest’s personal story, the experience becomes more meaningful. 

The Fisher Body Company is a now-defunct arm of the auto industry, but one that had many employees working there in recent memory. Countless former Fisher Body employees hold fond memories of their time there and enjoyed reminiscing and learning more about the company’s history in the Body by Fisher exhibit at the Detroit Historical Museum. Following the exhibit’s opening in 2021, several members of the Fisher “extended family” of employees donated some related items to the Society’s collection. 

See some of these recently donated artifacts below!

It’s clear to see that Fisher loved its Napoleonic Coach emblem. You can read more about the coach, and the full-size version on display in the exhibit, here. If you are interested in donating an item to the Detroit Historical Society, please contact Jeremy Dimick at 

