Midtown Labor History Days

October 21 2017 | 10:00am to October 23 2017 | 4:55pm

In conjunction with the 39th Annual North American Labor History Conference at Wayne State University, the Michigan Labor History Society invites families to the Detroit Historical Museum for two days of docent-guided exhibit tours, music and films on Saturday, October 21 and Sunday, October 22. 

Saturday will feature children’s activities, including a children’s concert, as well as oral history collection by the WSU History Department, when attendees can share their work life experiences.

Other nearby events are planned for the weekend, including guided tours of the Diego Rivera murals at the Detroit Institute of Arts, bus and walking tours geared to labor history in metro Detroit and a special presentation of the musical production “The Forgotten Man’s Radio Hour,” at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 21, at the WSU Community Arts Auditorium.

Admission to all events is free. More information, including a full program schedule is available at the Michigan Labor History Society website, mlhs.wayne.edu.