Michigan History Day


Michigan History Day contest information for National History Day 2025 is coming Fall 2024!


What is Michigan History Day?

Michigan History Day, an affiliate of National History Day sponsored by the Historical Society of Michigan, is a year-long educational program where students in grades 4-12 pick a historic topic related to an annual theme, conduct original research using primary and secondary sources, analyze their findings and draw conclusions about their topics significance in history and create final projects to showcase their work.  The projects, which include papers, documentaries, performances, exhibits and web sites, can be entered in a series of competitions from the local to the national level.

We are proud to support the Michigan History Day program at the local level. During the school year, we provide teachers and students with information and resources on the program. Each March, the Detroit Historical Museum hosts the local competition for students throughout southeastern Michigan.

If you are looking to participate and don't know where to start... Contact us today! 

District 10 Coordinator
district10@detroithistorical.org | 313.833.1419