From the Collection

Sanders Thanksgiving

If you had to associate a holiday with Sanders, it would probably be Halloween or maybe Valentine’s Day. But let’s not forget a Sanders Thanksgiving is possible too!

Walker & Company

c. 1940, Walker & Co. headquarters at 88 Custer Street


Lost Airports III

1959, Smith Terminal and American Airlines Airfreight terminal.


Lost Airports II

1959, Willow Run passenger terminal. To the right is a display for Chrysler cars.


Lost Airports

There is a long and illustrious history of aviation in the Detroit area, but many of the early airports and airport buildings have all but disappeared, being replaced by new buildings completely redeveloped.

c. 1930


Hudson's Halloween

A Happy Hudson’s Halloween to you all! These photos show some of the festive holiday decorations that were once on display at the J.L. Hudson Company Department Store in downtown Detroit.

Our Flag

Detroit’s seldom-seen official flag seems to have gained more traction recently. Once almost completely relegated to government buildings, it now can be spotted on stickers, draped on the backs of attendees at outdoor festivals, and in miniature form at the Detroit Historical Museum gift shop. This gradual warming toward the flag mirrors its history. Detroit was without a flag for 206 years, and after David Emil Heineman finally remedied this in 1907, it took the city another forty-one years to adopt it officially.

"Hello, My Baby!"

First, watch this amazing video. Did you notice that the setting for the 1958 student film is none other than our own Streets of Old Detroit exhibit at the Detroit Historical Museum?

Up, Up and Away

The Piccard Gondola.

