Take Advantage of Reciprocal Membership!


Did you know that your Detroit Historical Society membership at the Household level and above includes reciprocal membership privileges at hundreds MORE museums through the NARM and Time Travelers programs? 

Created by the Missouri Historical Society in 1998, Time Travelers is a free reciprocal membership network for historical museums, sites, and societies throughout the United StatesCurrently, the Time Travelers program includes over 400 organizations in more than 45 states across the countrySee the full list at timetravelers.mohistory.org. 

The NARM Association is an extensive network of hundreds of cultural institutions across Bermuda, Canada, the Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico, Mexico and the United States, that connects their members for access toarts, science, history, botanicaldestinations, and more. Search the member map or download the NARM member list at narmassociation.org to find NARM member institutions when planning your upcoming travels. 

Learn more about our membership program and join here.

